Submitted by jfongdara on Wed, 05/04/2022 - 18:46

The City Council will meet in Regular Session on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 at 6:00 PM
in the Council Chambers, City Hall. (Please silence cell phones and pagers.)
* Recognizing Tom Lavrenz for receiving the Charles Calhoun Writing Award
* Townsville Show Choir Day
Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor’s statement regarding state of the city message
BIDS: (and Public Hearings)
1. Bids will be received for the Townsville Ice Arena Locker Room Expansion Project
(Resolution adopting plans and specifications).
2. A public hearing will be held to consider repealing Chapter 52 of the Municipal Code, Taxicabs
and Limousines, and enacting a new Chapter 52. (Bill Hoekstra)
3. A public hearing will be held to consider amending Chapter 34 of the Municipal Code, Electrical
Code, by adopting the 2005 National Electrical Code, with amendments. (Jane Tompkins)
4. A public hearing will be held to consider a change of zone for property at the southwesterly
corner of the intersection of Ellis Road NW and “F” Avenue NW (Hwy. 94) from “A”
Agriculture District to R-3 Single Family Residence District as requested by Paul Thompson and
Gerol & Mary Goodlove. (Vern Zakostelecky)
5. A public hearing will be held to consider a change of zone for property north of 32nd Avenue
SW and west of 6th Street SW from I-1A Restricted Industrial District to C-3A Highway
Commercial District as requested by Primus Construction, Inc. and New Dawn Real Estate,
L.L.C. (Vern Zakostelecky)
PUBLIC HEARINGS – continued:
6. A public hearing will be held to consider amending Ordinance No. 063-05 which rezoned
property north of Ellis Road NW and west of “F” Avenue NW (Hwy. 94) from “A” Agriculture
District to R-3 Single Family Residence District as requested by the Engineering Department.
(Vern Zakostelecky)
7. A public hearing will be held to consider the Resolution of Necessity (proposed) for the Center
Point Road NE, from Werner Avenue to Czech Lane, Sidewalk Extension. (David Elgin)
8. A public hearing will be held to consider the vacation of property east of General Mills and Sun
Opta at 1000 & 1050 Wenig Road NE to General Mills Operations, Inc. (David Elgin)
9. A public hearing will be held to consider the disposition of property east of General Mills and
Sun Opta at 1000 & 1050 Wenig Road NE to General Mills Operations, Inc. (David Elgin)
10. A public hearing will be held to consider the vacation of a subdivision plat known as
Meadowview Addition which is located at the southwest corner of Ellis Road NW and Covington
Road to Gerol and Mary Goodlove. (David Elgin)
11. A public hearing will be held to consider the disposition of a subdivision plat known as
Meadowview Addition which is located at the southwest corner of Ellis Road NW and Covington
Road to Gerol and Mary Goodlove. (David Elgin)
12. Hearings (3) will be held to consider assessing civil penalties to Parktown Amoco, 4141 Center
Point Road NE, Hill Brothers Jiffy Mart, 1904 Mt. Vernon Road SE, and Guppy’s on the Go, 235
Edgewood Road NW, for violation of State Code regarding the sale of alcohol to minors.
If you wish to address the City Council on subjects related to City Council action scheduled for
today as shown on the Consent Agenda or Regular Agenda please use the sign-up sheet located
in the back of the council chambers. Please approach the microphone when called upon