Various City departments are responsible for coordinating and facilitating business activities within the city.
City Clerk Licenses & Permits
In order to maintain the safety and well-being of our residents, many types of businesses and activities require either a permit or license. (The City of Cedar Rapids does not issue general business licenses.)
Fire Code Permits
Permits for storage tanks, fuel systems, fireworks, spray painting and sprinkler systems
Right-of-Way Permits
Permits for working in the City right-of-way.
Building Permits
Permits for building, mechanical, electrical and plumbing work
Taxes & Fees
Information about property, hotel-motel and local options sales taxes
Special Events
Events of all sizes need different city services whether it is the use of park space, streets closed for safety, or parking meters hooded
Public Improvement Permits
Permits, applications and reimbursement for public improvements and repairs
Housing Inspections
Information about Landlord Licensing, Rental Property Registration and Inspections
Encroachment Permits
Sidewalk cafe
Related Links
Municipal Code & Amendments
Iowa Law
Building Permit Viewer
Buy Local Policy