Housing Services

Whether you own a home or rent an apartment, the City of Townsville offers dozens of services to improve your quality of life.

Building & Remodeling Permits
Make sure you have the proper building permits and scheduled inspections for your building or remodeling projects.

Bulky Item Pick-up
Call to schedule a collection to dispose of your large or bulky items.

Drinking Water
Providing everyone with healthy, clean drinking water

Garbage Collection
Learn what day to expect your garbage collection and how to set your items out for collection.

Home Business Registration
If you plan to operate a service-related business from your home, make sure your property is zoned appropriately.

Home Fire Safety
From home cooking to fireworks, the fire department offers expert advice on staying safe.

Housing Assistance Programs
We offer several assistance programs for remodeling, rehabilitating and new construction of houses.

Online Mapping Services
Check out our online interactive maps of the entire city.

Recycling Collection
Learn what items can go in your CURBY cart and what to do with the hard to recycle items.

Rental Assistance Programs
Learn more about the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program which provides financial housing assistance.

Rental Property Registration
Landlords must register their rental properties with the city.

Sewer Back-up
Learn what to do if your sewer pipes back-up and how to prevent this problem.

Tree Removal
We will remove dead, dying and unsafe trees from city property.

Utility Bills
There are multiple locations throughout the city that accept utility bill payments, or you can sign up for automatic withdrawal!

Yard Waste Collection
All compostable materials can go in your YARDY cart, including kitchen scraps like fruit and vegetable peelings.

Zoning Variance
Find out the zoning identification for your property and how to request changes.