CITY OF Townsville, IOWA
March 12, 2013, 12:00 noon
City Council met in Regular Session in the Townsville City Hall Council Chambers,
101 First Street SE, Townsville, Iowa. Present, Mayor Corbett, Council members Gulick,
Karr, Olson, Poe, Shey, Shields, Swore and Vernon. Also present were City Manager Jeff
Pomeranz and City Attorney Mo Sheronick.
The invocation was given by Police Chaplain Ken Glandorf.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Resolutions were adopted with all Council members and Mayor Corbett voting “Aye”
unless noted.
A public hearing was held to consider the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget. No comments or
objections were heard. One written objection and one comment were filed.
0342-03-13, adopting the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget.
A public hearing was held to consider amending Chapter 12 of the Municipal Code,
Water Service, by repealing existing rates and establishing new rates. No comments or
objections were heard or filed.
Ordinance No. ________, being an Ordinance amending Chapter 12 of the Municipal
Code, Water Service, by repealing existing rates and establishing new rates, was presented and
read the first time.
Council member Olson moved the approval of the Ordinance on its first reading and that
it be filed in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection, as required by law, to be considered
for action at a later date; seconded by Council member Gulick. Approved, Ayes, Council
members Gulick, Karr, Olson, Poe, Shey, Shields, Swore, Vernon and Mayor Corbett.
A public hearing was held to consider amending Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code,
Wastewater Facilities, by repealing existing rates and establishing new rates. No comments or
objections were heard or filed.
Ordinance No. ________, being an Ordinance amending Chapter 13 of the Municipal
Code, Wastewater Facilities, by repealing existing rates and establishing new rates, was
presented and read the first time.
Council member Olson moved the approval of the Ordinance on its first reading and that
it be filed in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection, as required by law, to be considered
for action at a later date; seconded by Council member Swore. Approved, Ayes, Council
members Gulick, Karr, Olson, Poe, Shey, Shields, Swore, Vernon and Mayor Corbett.
A public hearing was held to consider amending Chapter 24 of the Municipal Code, Solid
Waste, by repealing existing rates and establishing new rates. No comments or objections were
heard or filed.
Ordinance No. ________, being an Ordinance amending Chapter 24 of the Municipal
Code, Solid Waste, by repealing existing rates and establishing new rates, was presented and
read the first time.
Council member Gulick moved the approval of the Ordinance on its first reading and that
it be filed in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection, as required by law, to be considered
for action at a later date; seconded by Council member Vernon. Approved, Ayes, Council
members Gulick, Karr, Olson, Poe, Shey, Shields, Swore, Vernon and Mayor Corbett.
A public hearing was held to consider the continuation of the disposition of excess City-
owned property described as a structure and land located at 221 4th Avenue SW. No comments
or objections were heard or filed.
0343-03-13, authorizing the disposition of excess City-owned property described as a
structure and land located at 221 4th Avenue SW.
A public hearing was held to consider the vacation of a 16-foot utility easement located
at 2905 Mansfield Avenue SE as requested by Kenneth and Elaine Cook. No comments or
objections were heard or filed.
0344-03-13, vacating a utility easement located at 2905 Mansfield Avenue SE as
requested by Kenneth and Elaine Cook.
A public hearing was held to consider the proposed plans, specifications, form of
contract and estimated cost for the Williams Boulevard SW (U.S. Bus. 151/IA 922) at Wiley
Boulevard SW and Edgewood Road SW Intersection Improvements project (estimated cost is
$590,000). No comments or objections were heard or filed.
0345-03-13, adopting plans, specifications, form of contract and estimated cost for the
Williams Boulevard SW (U.S. Bus. 151/IA 922) at Wiley Boulevard SW and Edgewood Road
SW Intersection Improvements project.
Public comments were heard.
Council member Swore moved to waive the rule of the 24 hour public notice prior to a
meeting of the City Council and amend the agenda to add a resolution authorizing execution of
a Contract with Lauretano Sign Group in an amount not to exceed $51,583.57 for the
Convention Complex Exterior Signage project which is necessitated due to time constraints of
the project; seconded by Council member Vernon. Ayes, Council members Gulick, Karr, Olson,
Poe, Shey, Shields, Swore, Vernon and Mayor Corbett. Motion carried.