Townsville City Hall, Training Room
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
3:00 p.m.
The meeting was brought to order at 3:05 p.m.
Present: Council members Poe, Shey and Overland. Staff members present: Jennifer Pratt,
Community Development Director; Adam Lindenlaub, Community Development Planner; Seth
Gunnerson, Community Development Planner; Anne Kroll, Community Development
Administrative Assistant.
Council members Shey and Poe approved the minutes from October 18, 2017 with unanimous
1. MedQ Master Plan
Phil Wasta, MedQ Executive Director, shared the implementation categories from the Master
Development Plan, the MedQ Vision, the five (5) year strategy, and the following initiatives:
appearance and identity; policy; branding and marketing; and access, circulation and
infrastructure. Mr. Wasta shared information about the Master Parkway Improvement Plan and
the Greenway Plan as well as the 2018 Regional Medical District Action Plan.
Council member Overland arrived to the meeting at 3:18 p.m.
Council member Shey stated that he appreciates the work that has gone into the improvements in
the MedQ and asked what year they are in for the five (5) year plan. Mr. Wasta stated that they
are finishing up their third year in the plan. Council member Shey asked what the plan is for next
ten (10) to twenty (20) years. Mr. Wasta stated that the MedQuarter Master Development Plan
shows what the area might and could look like in 2034. Stakeholders want to see physical change
and the plan is to keep making those changes.
Council member Overland has enjoyed watching this area improve and hopes that underutilized
areas will develop so that there are more things to do and areas to explore. Mr. Wasta stated that
of the 5,000 people who visit the area daily, ninety-nine (99) percent go back to the suburbs. The
goal is to keep them in the area.
Council member Poe asked if there will be a hotel in the area for families who are visiting loved
ones in one of the hospitals. Mr. Wasta stated that one of the hospitals has land that would work
for a hotel, but they have yet to find a hotel that wants to build that far from downtown. Council
member Poe noted that there will be three (3) to five (5) Air B&Bs that will be opening in the
area soon.
Council member Poe would like to see Turner Alley utilized as a space that connects the area
with the History Center and the Grant Wood Studio. The Committee discussed the Averill House
and Council member Overland hopes it will become a local landmark.