Q. What should I know about using Townsville Transit right now?
Per Federal Regulation passengers are still required to wear masks that cover the mouth and nose on the bus or in the Ground Transportation Center (GTC).
Passengers must board the bus via the front door.
No fares are collected at this time so please do not dwell near the farebox or driver.
There is no Saturday service at this time.
Passengers will be allowed to wait inside the GTC under the following conditions - those that don't comply will be asked to wait for their bus outside:
A face mask that covers the nose & mouth must be worn at all times
Social distancing of 6 feet must be observed
Waiting for less than 15 minutes for the needed bus to arrive
Getting information from customer service
Using the restroom
No waiting in vestibules
Passengers must stay behind both yellow lines on the floor of the bus to provide for social distancing between the driver and passengers. Hand sanitizer is available on every bus for passenger use. Reminders will be posted regarding proper social distancing, hand hygiene, face coverings, etc.
The City will continue to partner with Horizons/NTS and Linn County LIFTS to fill in any transportation service gaps. Adjustments will be made as necessary and as conditions change.
Neighborhood Transportation Service (NTS) at Horizons will be expanding their after-hours service to provide day-time rides to work for those with critical employment transportation needs such as work at hospitals, grocery stores, care facilities, and convenience stores/gas stations. To schedule a ride, citizens should call 319-363-1321 at least 24 hours in advance. For more information about NTS services, schedules and regulations visit www.horizonsfamily.org.
Linn County LIFTS paratransit service will continue to provide rides to existing customers for essential services including medical trips, pharmacy, dialysis or grocery. All other persons in need of essential medical transportation can contact LIFTS at 319-892-5170 to see if rides are available. Priority will be given to seniors and persons with disabilities. Vehicle capacity will be limited to follow social distancing protocols.
Townsville Transit provides safe, courteous, and dependable public bus service throughout the city that is open to the general public, including persons with disabilities.
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