Applications are now being accepted for all current and upcoming vacancies on many of the City's boards, commissions and advisory committees. Please submit your application by April 30, 2022 to be considered during our annual appointment period.
The Townsville City Council appoints hundreds of community volunteers to serve as members of the City's various boards, commissions, committees and task forces. These volunteer groups are a large portion of the support system for our City government.
All of the City's boards and commissions play a critical role in public policy development, implementation and review for the City Council. These groups serve an important function in molding decisions for our community, acting as the voice of the residents and providing stewardship of the City's assets.
Membership on each board or commission requires varying qualifications. A majority of members must be residents and qualified electors of the City of Townsville.
Service on a board or commission is an excellent way for citizens to become involved in the operation of local government and to contribute to the quality of life in Townsville.
The Mayor appoints citizens to serve on City boards, commissions and committees with City Council approval. If you are interested in serving, please submit an application to the City Clerk's Office. Incumbents who wish to be considered for reappointment must also submit an application. All applications submitted will remain on file for one year.
This list of current board and commission members, term expiration dates and vacancies is updated monthly. Applications are accepted year round for mid-term resignations. Most terms of service expire on June 30 each year.
Ordinance No. 030-13 outlines the Board of Ethics rules and procedures regarding conflicts of interest while serving on City boards and commissions.