My Town

Submit a Comment, Concern, or Question

The City of Town provides My Town, an application for residents and visitors to report non-emergency issues to the City, such as potholes, street lights, and overgrown grass.

IMPORTANT: If you submit a request without creating an account, please remember to include your CONTACT INFORMATION so we can respond to your inquiries. If you do not leave your contact information, we will not be able to provide you with information or ask clarifying questions. It is recommended that My Town users create an account and sign-in when submitting a request. 

Note: If you experience issues with My Town when submitting a request, please try to clear your browser history, cookies, and cache. map

Introducing My Town

Using My Town

Need additional instructions? Read our how-to guide to learn more about submitting concerns through My Town.

Using the map feature when logging a request
To utilize the auto-locate feature, click on the address box in the top right side of the map and select “Use current location”, then select the closest parcel to the issue you are reporting.