The Townsville City Council adopted the Buy Local Purchasing Policy through City Council Resolution No. 1239-10-10.
On August 8, 2017, The Townsville City Council has passed a resolution adopting a Buy Local Program for the procurement of goods and/or services by competitive bid or proposal. Preference shall be applied to acceptable proposals from businesses located within Linn County who have submitted a notarized Local Business Certificate. An additional 2% preference will be given for Certified Small Businesses within Linn County, Iowa who are registered with the Iowa Economic Development Targeted Small Business program as a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business, Persons with Disabilities, Minority Owned Small Business or Woman Owned Small Business).
1. Who is local?
a. Businesses located within Linn County, Iowa who have paid Linn
County property taxes on a plant, office or store occupied by the business for
the past year; or
b. Businesses located within Linn County, Iowa who have paid rent for the past
year to a landlord or owner who has paid Linn County property taxes for the
past year on the plant, office or store occupied by the business.
2. How do I apply for local preference status?
a. Complete a “Local Business Certificate”. (download packet here)
b. Mail the notarized, completed certificate to:
City of Townsville – Purchasing Division
101 First Street SE
Townsville, IA 52401
3. After I return the notarized certificate, how do I know if my business is on the list?
View the Certified Business List.
Please allow up to 10 days for processing of the certificate before the business is listed.
4. Will the local preference policy be applied to all purchases for goods and services?
No, the following types of purchases are excluded:
a. Purchases subject to the competitive laws of the State of Iowa
b. Purchases subject to federal, state or county grant stipulations
c. Purchases from the State of Iowa or other national contracts
d. Sole source purchases
5. Do you have questions about the Buy Local Program?
Please call 319-286-5021
6. If I work out of my home, and my home is in Linn County, am I eligible to become a certified local business?
In order to qualify as local business your business must pay commercial property taxses related to the business being certified as local business. Residential property taxes paid for a home business do not qualify for the buy local certification.
7. Small Business Preference
At the request of the City Council Finance and Administrative Services Committee, the Purchasing Manual has been revised to include a local small business preference for an additional 2% to be applied to certified local businesses who are registered with the Iowa Economic Development Targeted Small Business Program as a Small Business under at least one of the following categories:
1. Small and Disadvantaged Business
a) Must be 51% or more owned and controlled by one or more disadvantaged persons
b) Disadvantaged person must be socially and economically disadvantaged
c) Firm must be small according to Small Business Administration definitions
2. Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business
a) Must have a service-connected disability as determined by the Department of Veterans Affairs or Department of Defense
b) Must be 51% or more owned and controlled by the service disabled veteran, who must hold the highest officer position in the firm
c) Firm must be small according to Small Business Administration definitions
3. Woman Owned Small Business
a) Firm must be at least 51% owned and controlled by one or more women
b) Women must be US citizens
c) Firm must be small according to Small Business Administration definitions
In order for a business to be entitled to a local preference and a small business preference, the business must have a completed, approved, notarized Local Business Certificate on file with the City of Townsville Finance Department and must be registered with the Iowa Economic Development Targeted Small Business Program.
8. How does the Buy Local Program work?
Preference shall be applied to acceptable quotes, bids and proposals greater than $5,000 from businesses within Linn County, Iowa who have submitted a notarized “Local Business Certificate”.
Example A: Preference shall be given in the procurement of goods and/or services by bid or quote when a local vendor’s bid or quote exceeds the acceptable low bid by no more than:
10% for bids less than $25,000
5% for bids equal to or greater than $25,000 but less than $200,000
1% for bids equal to or greater than $200,000
Bid Tabulation for a 20’ Enclosed Trailer